West Washington is proud to recognize and promote the wide range of livestream services and capabilities provided to our community. The livestreaming product West Washington is broadcasting has expanded a great deal since it began in 2017. In fact, since joining the IHSAA Championsip Network in 2020, West Washington has been recognized statewide as a true leader and innovator in livestreaming. The success of West Washington Livestream can be attributed to the vision and passion provided by elementary teacher, Mr. Craig Akers. "Craig Akers has been instrumental in getting West Washington Livestream off the ground and developing it into something the entire community is proud of. Our program is recognized across the state as a top tier sports broadcast. This has been Craig's baby from the start and he has built it into something truly great," explained WWSC Superintendent, Keith Nance.
Our livestream technology has drastically improved over the years. From simply using an iPad to capture live footage, to now using Vmix programming combined with hudl focus camera systems, has really taken the quality of broadcast to a whole new level. The technology is not the only thing that has expanded over the years. In 2018, the production crew expanded to 17 students and 8 adults. With this growth, West Washington has covered over 500 events averaging well over the industry viewing standard. Since joining the IHSAA Championship Network, Livestream has represented West Washington at 3 Semi-States, 9 Regionals, and 21 Sectionals. “Our Livestream is one of the best in the state and the IHSAA has asked Craig many times to come to their headquarters in Indianapolis to present to other schools and answer questions. We are very fortunate to have him and West Washington Livestream be able to provide games for people who can not make it to an event,” explained West Washington Athletic Director, Darrin Russell.
West Washington Livestream is competing with the largest schools in the state as it relates to broadcast production and events covered. West Washington Livestream has broadcast a wide scope of events ranging from championship games to funerals. “West Washington Livestream opens the athletic program of West Washington to the world. For a 1A school, we have 6A production. It also allows many of our alumni and elderly fans to connect to Senator sports. I am proud we get to provide this quality entertainment to our community and alumni,” said West Washington Assistant Principal, Brad Mills.
Most West Washington livestreaming events can be found on IHSAATV.org. The cost is $10 per game, $30 per month, or $150 for all year.