West Washington would like to congratulate Titan Williams on receiving the Provost Scholarship to Indiana University, Bloomington for his exceptional academic achievements. If you know Titan, then you know he is an avid IU fan and this is a well-deserved accomplishment.
Academic Accomplishments: Titan has an impressive 4.12 GPA. He has been involved in Radio and TV classes all four years. Titan is also a capstone student at West Washington.
Extracurricular Sports and Accomplishments: Titan is a three sport athlete who has participated in Basketball, Baseball, and Football for four years. He was elected Team Captain of the football team this year and was awarded the Bowsman Strong Award as a senior. Titan was also selected to the All-Tournament Team for his play in this season's County Basketball Tournament.
Other Extracurricular Activities and Accomplishments: Titan is a member of the National Honor Society at West Washington. Titan also has been involved with West Washington Livestream covering both girls and boys basketball games over his years as a Senator. Along with all his other activities, Titan has been a member of Business Professionals of America (BPA) since the sixth grade. Titan has qualified for the BPA National Competition 6 out of 7 years.
Special Classes/Dual Credit Courses: Titan is a very well rounded student who has gotten the most out of his education at West Washington. Titan's diverse class schedule has included Calculus, American Literature, Public Speaking, Psychology, and Solar System Astronomy.
Future Plans: Titan will attend Indiana University in Bloomington where he has been directly accepted into the Media School.
How has West Washington helped you prepare for your future plans: “West Washington has helped me learn about media by doing the livestream and taking classes with Mr. Wolfe,” stated Titan.
Titan has left a lasting impression on West Washington and this is apparent in what people are saying about him:
“I am extremely proud of Titan and the complete student-athlete that he has worked very hard to become. Titan’s high level of performance in both academics and athletics is proof of his ability to balance and manage a heavy workload. Titan has a big heart and is truly loved by all. He understands what it means to be a great teammate and always puts the needs of the team above his own personal success. Titan has left his mark on our football program and he is a great example for our younger classmen on how to do the right things right. There is no doubt in my mind that Titan will be highly successful in all his future endeavors.“ - West Washington Head Football Coach, Jeremy Lowery
“I have had the pleasure of instructing Titan for five years and advising him in Business Professionals of America for seven years. His interest in media has always been there and it has been a joy to watch his knowledge of the industry and software grow to the point where he was a direct admit into the IU Media School and even earned his Technical Honors diploma through this program, which includes an industry certification in the video Adviediting program, Premiere Pro.” - West Washington Business Professionals of America Advisor, Brian Wolfe.
“I've had the pleasure of coaching Titan for 4 years. He has one of the most infectious personalities I have ever been around. His attitude was the same for us when he was a role player versus the last few years as a starter, which is very rare to see in an athlete. He has progressively gotten better for us over the years and I think he has turned himself into one of the more athletic and grittier defensive first baseman in the area. Titan's future excites me, I think he will be wildly successful at whatever he decides to do.” - West Washington High School Assistant Principal and Head Baseball Coach, Brent Ingram