What makes a lunch?
Did you know that there are strict guidelines on what each school breakfast and lunch must provide for students? In order to participate in the federal free and reduced lunch program there are dietary guidelines produced by the federal government that must be followed. Above is graphic that describes the components required by the federal government.
Why it is important to participate in the free and reduced program?
It is very important to the school that anyone that may be eligible for free and reduced lunch apply. Many of the grants that we apply for that impact instruction use the percentage of free and reduced lunch students as qualifiers for the grant money.
Are all lunches and breakfast free for those that qualify?
Not all breakfasts and lunches are free. In fact, what we are reimbursed does not always cover the cost of the production of a meal. If a student that qualifies for the free lunch program requests a second lunch or breakfast, only one meal is covered. Additional items like milk, a sandwich, etc. are not reimbursed by the program.
Why it is important to pay for my students meals in advance?
The groceries that we purchase in advance for our meals come from the corporations lunch fund. All revenue in that account is generated from sales and reimbursement from the free and reduced lunch program. In order to produce quality meals with quality ingredients we need strong revenue. This means that we need your help by paying for your child's meals on time or ahead of time and not compiling debt in your child's account.