Senator Football

Springs Valley beat the West Washington (WW) Senators last Friday, September 13th. Valley scored 55 points and WW scored 15 points. So far this season the Senators have two losses and two wins. 

“We want our players to understand that being successful doesn’t come easy. We want them to continue to learn to embrace challenges and adversity and view these hard times as opportunities to improve. This is important to our goal of playing our best football at the end of the season, during the tournament when it means the most,” Jeremy Lowery, WW head coach said. 

After the game against Valley Lowery had some advice to give the team on continuing to improve. “We talked about handling disappointments and setbacks. We talked about understanding that things are never quite as good or bad as they seem, but generally somewhere in between. The key is to identify what we need to work on and go back to work,” Lowery said. 

This week the team's practice plan will reflect that attitude. WW will get back out there and continue to work hard on basic fundamentals and address the specific errors they had against Valley. “We will not overreact or panic, just simply go back to work,” Lowery said. 

On Friday, September 20th WW will play at home against Paoli. They have a good football team and a historically successful program, Lowery said. Friday will be a busy night full of action. WW will be hosting their football homecoming and the cheerleaders will be hosting their cheer clinic for the elementary students. Kickoff is at 7 pm following the homecoming event. Arrive early to get a seat in the stands and enjoy an evening of entertainment.