This week's tragic bus stop accident in Northern Indiana is a reminder to all of us how important bus safety is to drivers, students and motorists. In this case, the children will hit while crossing the road to load the bus. We speak to our students about safety on the bus, at the stop and loading the bus BUT we need your help.
We ask that you reinforce these safety measures with your students:
-When waiting for the bus, actively watch all traffic
-Stand at least 10 full steps away from the road edge
-As the bus approaches, remain back, stand still and wait for the bus to fully stop, put out their stop arm and look for the flashing lights
-When the bus stops, DO NOT walk into the road until the driver has acknowledged you and directed you to load or cross
-Be Alert
As motorists it is important that we follow all traffic laws pertaining to buses and pedestrians. The safety of our students is everyone's responsibility. Linked below is an article from the Indy Star that gives a detailed description of traffic laws that pertain to school buses.