The WWHS Golf Team has improved 28 shots over their first three matches and currently stand at 3-2 in PLAC play. The JH Golf Team has more golfers now than ever and is setting up a nice foundation for the future. Great job Coach Wolfe and golfers! #WWeGrow CHAMPIONS
over 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
These Harkness Heroes have a lot of "SUPER" qualities! #WWeGrow SENATOR SUPER HEROES
over 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
harkness heroes
Jackie Trueblood and Trish Guthrie make the HS Office a special place for our students and staff. They have been absolute heroes this year! #WWeGrow SENATOR SUPER HEROES
over 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
jackie and trish
Mr. Eisele is a SUPER CTE instructor! His work with our high school students is setting them up for a great future. #WWeGrow SENATOR SUPER HEROES
over 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
This Super Squad have used their powers to help those in need! Ms. Nance, Ms. Ridge, Ms. McKillip and Ms. Snelling have made a huge impact on their kids. #WWeGrow SENATOR SUPER HEROES
over 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Mr. Lewis is a Senator Super Hero because he is committed to making learning fun and challenging, even during the pandemic. #WWeGrow SENATOR SUPER HEROES
over 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
mr lewis
Ms. Fisher used games to help reinforce skills with 2nd grade students at Back on Track. In this picture they are using Kahoot to reinforce counting money. #WWeGrow COMMITMENT #WWSC_BackOnTrack
over 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Board Agenda 4-19-21
over 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
"My class gave great effort during Back On Track. Each student came in with a good attitude looking to take advantage of the opportunity. Everyone in the class vastly improved from day 1 to day 15." -Mr. Trueblood, HS Math #WWeGrow COMMITMENT #WWSC_BackOnTrack
over 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Girl's Track competed this weekend at the Sam Sumner Invite at Borden. Ally Overcash, Darcy Stout and Karlee Bowling all set personal records at the meet. Way to go girls! #WWeGrow CHAMPIONS
over 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
The 3rd-6th grade Math Bowl teams competed virtually last week. All teams did well and had strong finishes. Ms. Wingler and Ms. Bays were very proud of the job they did persevering through advanced math questions! #WWeGrow SCHOLARS
over 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
math bowl
math bowl
math bowl
math bowl
WWSR Superintendent Podcast April
over 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Ms. Nance has only been the HS Guidance Counselor for 2 years, but her timing was right when we needed her. She has helped staff and students through tragedy in year one and the pandemic in year two. She is a hero to us! #WWeGrow SENATOR SUPER HEROES
almost 4 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Stacey Hero
Mr. Wolfe has shown courage and determination during the pandemic and his students are grateful! #WWeGrow SENATOR SUPER HEROES
almost 4 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
wolfe hero
"I have noticed some incredible growth in students' understanding in the Back on Track program. By adding some gamification and competition to the program I have students showing growth and a better understanding of proportional relationships, rational versus irrational understanding, and integer operations. This friendly competition, both in teams and individually, has shown that not only do my students understand these concepts on the surface, but are ready to argue and support their reasoning behind the deeper understanding of these big ticket items. It has been inspirational to watch their growth and excitement." -Jr High Math Teacher Ms. Greer
almost 4 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Order your elementary yearbook today! #WWeGrow MEMORIES
almost 4 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
The WWSC Back On Track program has also been utilized in upper level courses. Students in Algebra II have been working to improve their skills. They are currently working on solving quadratic equations by graphing. #WWeGrow COMMITMENT #WWSC_BackOnTrack
almost 4 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
"My students have been working hard and engaging well to master solving equations, which is a cluster of key skills required for high school math and many sciences. I have seen great strides in this group with the availability of small group and individual work to maximize attention to misconceptions and understanding for each student. I am very proud of the progress made by the students who have put in the extra time and effort to keep on track!" -Jr High Math Teacher Ms. Hart "We've been working on our reading comprehension skills. We've been analyzing several short stories and identifying elements of them such as: tone, theme, point of view, plot, and setting. We've also been practicing writing and identifying literary elements and figurative language." -Jr High English Teacher Mr. Jenkins #WWeGrow COMMITMENT #WWSC_BackOnTrack
almost 4 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
The WWSC Back on Track program has been beneficial to kids from K-12th grade. "The one-on-one time is really beneficial to each student allowing them to not only earn the semester credit but strengthen the basic skills they need to be successful." -English Teacher Ms. Dooley #WWeGrow COMMITMENT #WWSC_BackOnTrack
almost 4 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Mr. Lee may have only been a WWSC teacher for a few years, but his abilities have made an impression on his students! #WWeGrow SENATOR SUPER HEROES
almost 4 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Mr Lee