Support the Crusade, they support WW!
Giving to the Crusade has never been easier! You can continue the traditional method of giving by mailing a check to the WHAS Crusade for Children, located at 520 W. Chestnut St., Louisville, KY 40202. Or, you can give virtually in a variety of easy ways:
Donate online at Be sure to list our fire dept. to receive credit!
Text CRUSADE to 50155 to give securely via your cell phone. You will have the option to credit our fire dept.
Venmo a donation @CrusadeForChildren and list our fire dept. in the comment section.
CashApp a donation $CrusadeChildren and list our fire dept. in the note section.
Please note the new student drop off and pick up routes. This will be very important with more parents choosing to drive their children to and from school.
Updated Reopening At A Glance Document
Elementary Open House Details-
Kindergarten students will be scheduled by appointment on August 3rd.
New students may be able to schedule a tour and/or meeting with the teacher by request. Contact the Elementary Office or email the teacher for details.
All other families will be contacted by phone or asked to join a virtual meeting with the teacher on August 3rd.
*Masks must be worn when entering the building. This is for students and parents.
There will be an open house for incoming 7th grade students. All other students grades 8 to 12 will have a virtual open house option. Details will be out soon.
Registration for West Washington's Virtual Option is now open. If you are choosing this option for your children please fill out the following form.
WWSC Reopening Approved at 7/20/20 Board Meeting
The 2019-2020 varsity volleyball team earned the American Volleyball Coaches Association's Team Academic Honor Roll award. The Honor Roll award was given to the top 70 GPAs out of the 461 teams that earned the AVCA Team Academic Award.
As we prepare for the beginning of school we need to make adjustments to transportation.
We recognize that the social distance on a school bus will be difficult to achieve. As a part of our reopening plan we are limiting the number of students allowed on a bus.
Students will be required to wear a mask on the bus. In addition, we are asking parents that are able to transport their children to and from school to do so.
If you are going to transport your child to school please call us at 812-755-4872 to let us know so we can plan our transportation accordingly.
We only need those that ARE going to transport their children to call.
Monday 7/20/20 Board Meeting
*Read the Agenda for change of location and other details.
Patrons are asked to have a mask and wear it if adequate social distancing is not achievable.
K-6 Supply List
Jr-Sr High School List
Congratulations Class of 2020!
It is a big day for the class of 2020.
Graduation Livestream Link
WW Graduation Rain Contingency Plan-
We are going to do everything we can to have our graduation ceremony as planned on Friday night at 8:30 pm. With weather being volatile the decision to go to Plan B may be made last minute.
Plan B- Sunday July 12th 8:30 PM on the Football Field
WWSC Reopening at a Glance
*The plan must be approved by the WWSC School Board and is subject to change.
Mr. Nance will have a Live @ Five on Facebook tonight at 5 PM.
Super's Podcast July-
This podcast was recorded last week and many things have changed. Disregard the information shared at the end of the broadcast about graduation.
WWSC is adding several positions due to extra Covid mitigation protocols added to our reopening plan.
Posting Attached-
Custodian/Maintenance (2 positions- 1 day & 1 night)
Nurse's Assistant