April 13, 2020 Board Agenda
Senior Spotlight
Senior Spotlight
Super's Podcast April
Elementary Yearbook Orders
Parent/Guardian Survey-
This survey is to be completed by WW parents/guardians ONLY.
Student Survey-
This survey is to be completed by WW students ONLY. You must have a WWSC email account to complete the survey.
Today in Governor’s Holcomb’s address we learned of the impending executive order to close schools through the remainder of the year.
I am sure that many of you are like me, devastated by the news that we will not return to school this school year. Although I understood this was a real possibility I was still harboring hope that we would be back together. That we would be celebrating milestones together, saying our goodbyes, hosting trophies and taking bows.
I am also sure that many of you are consoling some crushed kids. This has been a trying year, a difficult time for many of us in so many ways. We will get through this like we have our previous hardships, together.
This distancing makes it more difficult to lean on each other, but do not fall into the trap of isolation and despair. We have to be physically distant, but we do not have to be socially distant. Luckily, we live in a world where we can communicate in a variety of ways. Although, it is not the same as in person support and learning we do have the tools to do this.
If there is any comfort it is that we are in this together. I am upset as many of our dedicated educators are because we love this school, we believe that our work is critical for our children and our community and we love the people we work with.
Our commitment at WW to our kids and community have never been stronger.
WWSC has secured FREE access to supplemental digital programs for kids PreK-8th grade. This can not be used in place of teacher developed work but as additional support only. The sites and code is on the attachment.
Today is Census Day in America. Fill out your 2020 Census today if you have not already completed it.
It matters to our children and our school. Do your part. Be counted.
Kindergarten Enrollment Document-
WWSC is utilizing this digital form to collect information on potential WW Kindergarten students for next year. This is not an official registration or screening. We will contact individuals from this list when we are able to screen students and have them come to WW Elementary for registration. This will help us plan for the upcoming school year, staffing needs and classroom materials.
Kindergarten Digital Access Survey
Complete your 2020 Census, it matters to our school!
From Mrs. Ledgerwood-
Due to the restrictions set by our state government regarding public assemblies at this time, our 3rd Music Program that was scheduled for April 8th has been cancelled. Unfortunately, it will not be rescheduled. I am very disappointed that we will not be able to have this program. However, I know this is in the best interest for our students and the community. Students, thank you for how hard you have worked on this performance. I will make sure the 3rd class will have the opportunity to perform for their families in the next school year.
March 30th - May 1st Schedule
"Live at Five" 3/27/20
I want to share this information from the Washington County Health Department.
If you attended the FFA Community Breakfast please monitor yourself for symptoms. This Saturday will be 14 days removed from the event.
I just completed my 2020 Census & it only took 5 minutes.
The Census is important to our state & community. Federal funding, representation & more are decided by the Census Data.
Be counted. Go to
You will need the 12 digit ID that was mailed to you.