April Board Agenda
over 2 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
REMINDER- On Friday 4/8/22 students in grades 7-12 will have a Virtual Day. Teachers in the Jr/Sr HS will be participating in a professional development inservice on that date. This is for students in grades 7-12 ONLY. Elementary students will come to school on a normal schedule.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
REMINDER- Monday 3/28 and Tuesday 3/29 WWES will host Kindergarten Registration. It is not too late to sign up and call for an appointment. Kindergarten Registration Form https://forms.gle/Vwf36uMxwLH5gR6x9 WWES Office Phone 812-755-4934
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
kindergarten registration
Join us on Saturday morning for the annual FFA Community Breakfast!
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
draft minutes
draft minutes
Job Posting- Varsity Volleyball Coach
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
job posting
March 21st Board Agenda
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Job Postings for 2022-2023 School Year
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
HS Social Studies
HS Math
If you need some fresh Senator Softball gear you can visit the Fan Cloth site below. https://fancloth.shop/N5WQH
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
A BIG thank you to our cheerleaders and mascot for another great year of support! From cold/rainy Friday nights to the busy winter season the squad was there to support our teams. #WWeGrow SUPPORT
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Some roads are beginning to have standing and in some cases moving water across them. Be cautious! Take your time and don't drive through moving water.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
The most recent Superintendent Podcast is now available! Topic: Building & Grounds Upgrades https://bit.ly/342BEAK
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
On Friday the CDC released that masks are no longer required for students or drivers on buses. This change takes effect immediately.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
It is that time of year, Kindergarten Registration is approaching quickly. If you haven't done so yet, please fill out the pre-enrollment form. https://forms.gle/uyZVzRQrhPKkKo31A There is no obligation in filling out the form or attending the physical Kindergarten Registration. Come and see what West Washington Elementary has to offer. Kindergarten Registration Dates- March 28th & March 29th *Call the elementary to set your appointment time. 812-755-4934
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
kindergarten registration
WWSC will now be CLOSED Thursday 2/24/22. Students will have virtual instruction. Materials and instructions will be posted by 10 AM. Roads conditions worsened as fog and mist moved in around 7:00 am. The fog and clouds are blocking the sun from melting anything and temperatures will not reach 32 degrees until after 10 AM. It is too dangerous for buses, student drivers and staff to travel to school.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
WWSC will operate on a 2 hour delay, Thursday 2/24/22. There is a light glaze of ice on some roadways throughout the corporation. The timing of rising temperatures is tricky. Roads will be evaluated again by 8 AM. If a change is made to a cancellation it will be announced by as early as possible.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Important Message
The IDOH released new guidelines for handling Covid.  This is great news. However, this does not mean that Covid has vanished. What it means is that with vaccination status and improved treatments we are moving from pandemic status to epidemic status. This is cause to cautiously celebrate. The strain this has caused has been enormous. It has impacted all of us. There are many unsung heroes of the last two years, but I want to highlight two that have tirelessly worked through difficult circumstances (and showed strength, grace and kindness throughout). Dawn Woods and Tristen Williams have been AMAZING and we cannot express enough how much I admire and appreciate them both! Please see the linked press release that summarizes the changes. https://bit.ly/3LK0AxV An image of the release is also attached.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Guideline Changes
Kindergarten Registration March 28th & March 29th Noon-7:00 pm To Do Items: -Please fill out the form linked below prior to Kindergarten Registration. https://forms.gle/n72L2G3Y5k8ygNHm8 -Contact the West Washington Elementary Office to schedule your registration time. 812-755-4934 *Please share with anyone that has a child entering Kindergarten and wants to enroll in a top performing school that focuses on creating a caring and nurturing environment for children to grow.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
kindergarten registration
Beginning immediately the WWSC Mask Requirement will change to MASKS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Please see the linked document for complete details. https://bit.ly/3rDOoqD STUDENTS CAN STILL WEAR A MASK AND SHOULD IF THEIR PARENTS HAVE INSTRUCTED THEM TO DO SO. Masks are still required on buses at this time.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Important Message
WWSC will be on a 2 hour delay schedule Monday 2/7/22. Our staff is doing a great job getting our grounds in decent shape but we will need to retreat everything in the morning to prepare all lots, sidewalks and entrances. The delay also ensures that our buses, student drivers and staff will have full visibility to see approaching hazards. Shaded areas on our county roads still have significant amounts of pack and ice and will not be fully melted by this evening. There is also opportunity of refreeze in spots with standing water. We ask that you use the delay to give yourselves plenty of drive time to school. Be safe and see you all tomorrow!
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation