WWSC will have the second virtual day on Friday 2/4/22. Remember that students have the entire weekend to complete and turn in their work.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Typically we do not announce closures based on forecasts, but the threat for very dangerous weather is probable. With that being said, we will be closed Thursday and Friday and have virtual instruction for those days. For the safety of staff, they will not be allowed to report to work on campus Thursday. If conditions persist the same may apply Friday. We are concerned that students may not have access to the internet or even electricity for portions of the next few days. Our CURRENT plan will be to have virtual days posted each day by 10 am. HOWEVER, an announcement could be made on Thursday night cancelling our Friday virtual day IF there is widespread power and internet outages. We will handle these virtual days a little differently. We will allow students the entirety of the weekend to complete the work. We will not require virtual meetings. There will be videos posted and work posted that needs to be completed. Teachers will make every effort to be available to students, but we realize that teachers may be equally affected by outages of electricity and internet. If your child is unable to complete assigned work due to outages please contact your child's teacher.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Important Message
Tonights Varsity BB Game against Crawford County will be a BLUE OUT. *Including some blast from the past pictures from a very special BLUE OUT game!
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
blue out
blue out
blue out
blue out
Job Posting- West Washington School Corporation Posting: Corporation Treasurer Qualifications: Experience in School Finance OR Training/Schooling in Business/Accounting Preferred Description/Responsibilities- -Official custodian of all funds of the corporation -Accounting and safeguarding of all corporation funds -Collect funds, handle deposits and prepare fund reports -Receipt transactions -Prepare claims for board approval and pay claims -Participate in budget preparation -Attend SBOA trainings as needed -Work collaboratively with peers and cooperatively with administration -Help with general office tasks -Hold yourself to high professional expectations and follow the staff handbooks adopted by the school -Be competent in the use of technology and willing to learn how to use the schools chosen platforms -Communicate effectively Interested parties should submit a letter of interest and resume to Superintendent Keith Nance. nancek@wwcs.k12.in.us
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
job posting
Due to road conditions, WWSC will be virtual Friday 1/28/22.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Remember... you asked for this! WWSC School Closure/Virtual Day Announcement 1-28-22 Mr. Nance vs. The Original Who did it better? https://youtu.be/M5bkt4afkaE https://bit.ly/3AF9Oq1
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
snow notes
WWSC will operate on a 2 hour delay today Friday 1/28/22.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
It is supposed to be bitterly cold in the morning. Our threshold for delaying or cancelling based on temperature is 0 degrees raw temperature or -10 wind chill or below. At this time the prediction of temperature is above that threshold. At this time, we will be operating on a normal schedule Wednesday 1/26/22. Please dress children appropriately for the weather. If the weather causes any issues with water and children need to use our shower facilities that can be arranged through our counseling offices.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Today WW Elementary competed in their first Robot Team Challenge. They had a strong finish for their first ever competition. The students did an excellent job demonstrating what they have learned and representing the school. We are proud of you! #WWeGrow STEM
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
The PLAC Championship came down to the final dual between West Washington and Mitchell. The WW Wrestlers won in dominant fashion. Great job wrestlers! #WWeGrow CHAMPIONS
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
WWSC will operate on a NORMAL IN-PERSON schedule beginning Thursday 1/20/22.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
WWSC is set for a return to in-person instruction tomorrow Thursday 1/20/22. The weather will be monitored this evening and announcement will be made about the schedule prior to 9 PM.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Planning Session and Board Meeting Scheduled for today have been postponed to Monday 1/24/22.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
WWSC will move to virtual instruction from Monday 1/17/22 through Wednesday 1/19/22. The West Washington staff has been hit hard by this surge in Covid. We powered through this week of school, but the number of staff out sick grew exponentially each day. We already know that we will be shorthanded next week. We are attempting to keep this move to virtual as short as possible to allow us to get closer to full strength. It is our intention to return to full in person instruction on Thursday 1/20/22. https://bit.ly/3rh4wgh
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Emergency Executive Session (Virtual)
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Children that ride Bus 5 will ride a different bus this evening and tomorrow. This may change the time that they are picked up and dropped off. Please be ready and keep an out for the bus.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
The weekly Covid Metric for this week is RED. Masks remain required through 1/19/22 when updated weekly data is released. With this most current round of Covid we are experiencing higher absenteeism and staffing is getting thin. If you or someone you know is interested in subbing as a teacher at the school, driving a bus or subbing in another area please contact us today! 812-755-4872
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
WWSC CLOSURE ANNOUNCEMENT- WW will now be closed and have a virtual day today, Friday 1/7/22. Many side roads in the southern portion of our school corporation remain slick. Particularly Posey and southern Howard Township. In addition, the very cold temperatures create a scenario where we don't want students waiting at the bus stop for extended time if a bus is delayed due to road conditions. Teachers will have materials and instructions posted prior to 10 am. Students should check their Google Classrooms and follow the instructions and lessons provided by their teachers.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
School Closure
WWSC will be dismissing at 1:00 pm today, Thursday 1/6/22. We will be on a 2 hour delay Friday 1/7/22. All afterschool events and practiced are cancelled for Thursday 1/6/22.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
Mask Update- WWSC will still require masks through 1/12/22. This is due to that the fact that the Washington County Metric is RED. The county metric will be updated on 1/12/22. An announcement will be made when the metric is released.
almost 3 years ago, West Washington School Corporation
plan document